Starting with... Sheep!
In July, Phill and I went to the Rare Breeds Show in Singleton with my parents. It was held at the Weald and Downland Museum just north of Chi. What a fabulous place. It is basically a collection of buildings from around Sussex and the local area that were endangered before listing came in. The Rare Breeds show was a collection of pigs, sheep, cows and goats who were all judged a bit like Crufts but for farm animals!
This is my new favourite sheep:
He is a Grey faced Dartmoor and I think he looks like a teddy. He has beautiful curly wool and I would love to get my hands on some to have a go at spinning. I think it would probably be too course for clothing though.
There were also rabbits and alpacas which are beautiful! A craft tent with actual local craft people in selling their products which was refreshing as often these things are full of horrid mass produced crap and a stall selling olives and feta.
There was plenty for people of a crafty persuasion. P & M Woolcraft were there selling fibre and lots of sundries including plant dyes. I bought myself some Woad seeds for the garden. I also bought a new spindle from Ian Taite. It is tiny and made from Purple Heart and Sycamore wood. It spinds like a complete dream. Yum! There was also a tent where people had been able to enter their spinning and knitting for judging. Unfortunately, I didn't find out in time or I totally would have entered something. The piece that won first prize was just breathtaking.
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